Saturday, September 26, 2009

Love Liberation Army and Victor Holk...

Earlier this month, my son called to confirm his father and I would be able to catch his show after all.  For a moment, there wasn't a show close enough for us to catch, but it worked out.  He opened for a cool band called Love Liberation Army in our home town and we had such a wonderful time.

As a photographer, I wanted to shoot him at his best.  Infront of the mic with an audience, giving up his wonderful talent and songs.  I took the opportunity to use a new "old" lens.  A Nikon 50mm 1.2 manual.  OUCH!  That sweet spot with old eyes took some adjustment, but I did it.  I really wanted to go to my favorite, the 70-200mm 5.6 VR (I know, the one that comes in a kit!).  It's flexibility lets me get in close or pull out, while staying seated.  BUT, the aperture is not large enough in this type of low light setting.

So many curves in learning to "see" the focus (for me anyhow) & the camera feels different with each lens, as well as, manual is always a bit more time consuming at first.  I did get to play & to take a shot at my impression of how good the music was.

Using different treatments with the NIK software bundle I could easily/quickly transform an image to something much more creative.

So much fun.  I really liked this one also,

Here's the band's picture. If you get a chance to hear these talented artists, I highly recommend them.  Good times will follow.

Most of all, don't let fear keep you from that next incredible shot.
Get out of your comfort zone and go for it.

Here's one more of Vic...

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Welcome to the new blog...

It’s a new day!  After working a blog for several months, I decided to separate my business from my personal opinions.  Shuttered To Think will continue as my personal blog with random thoughts, while this new blog will be dedicated to showcasing my work and all that it takes.
One thing that came to mind is specializing.  Such a little thing, but so major.  How do I limit myself to one area of expertise when an artist must have creative freedom?  It’s through this first step the we open the window to the second.  I am making the decision to focus and become the best photographer I can be for family portraiture.
Since I enjoy people and am intrigued by them, I tend to collect friends.  That’s the approach for our business plan.  We want a partnership that is based on friendship where you can be assured we have your best interests at heart and we can feel the same.  (Below, Millie, and her long whiskers)

We want to be friends for as long as possible, so if we begin with a family shoot, then start documenting the additions and their growth, pretty soon, we’ll have developed a relationship that is rewarding to both of us.
Please feel free to contact me any time for questions or, obviously, appointments.  Following is my observation for this week.

When we document those we love with wanting to capture a specific moment in time, let’s not overlook those in our families that hold a special place.  PETS … Purely exceptionally tolerant souls!  They put up with a lot from us humans, and offer so much in return.

This angel is my “granddog” Shooter.  Due to the drought, she decided she could make do with what she had.  Lesson learned, Shooter!

  "When the lake dries up, make your own pool with what you have."

A friend of mine asked me to photograph her and her special friend, Daisey.  Little did we know that shortly thereafter, Daisey went to case the butterflies of heaven leaving us with tears.  She was such a great model.

Hope these inspire you to capture your special family members.  These can be done way more professionally, but then, isn’t this how we enjoy them the most?

Here’s Shooter doing her professional pose: